Ikkalkula l-kont
Uża din il-paġna biex taħdem kalkolu tal-kont tiegħek

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Sempliċiment daħħal id-dettalji kollha u agħfas fuq il-buttuna li jmiss “Ikkalkula l-kont tiegħi”.
* Jekk jogħġbok kun af li ċerti ħlasijiet jew roħs fuq it-tariffi mhux se jidhru hawn. Għalhekk, l-użu tal-Kalkulatur isir għar-riskju tal-utent u hu suġġett għall-aċċettazzjoni taċ-ċaħda ta’ hawn taħt.
- Dawl
- Il-ħlasijiet għas-servizz€ 0
- Konsum€ 0
- Tnaqqis tal-ekoriduzzjoni- € 0
- PV Refund- € 0
- VAT€ 0
- Totali€ 0
- Ilma
- Il-ħlasijiet għas-servizz€ 0
- Konsum€ 0
- Totali€ 0
Totali€ 0
Il-Kalkulatur hu għodda ta’ awtoassistenza maħsub għal finijiet illustrattivi biss. ARMS Ltd. la tiggarantixxi l-eżattezza tal-kalkolu u lanqas tagħti garanzija jew rappreżentazzjoni ta’ kwalunkwe tip fi kwalunkwe ċirkostanza. F’każ ta’ diskrepanzi bejn kont attwali u dak ikkalkulat minn din l-għodda, l-ammont indikat fuq il-kont tiegħek għandu jitqies bħala dak korrett. ARMS Ltd. mhu se tilqa’ ebda talba marbuta ma’ żbalji, ommissjonijiet jew ineżattezzi oħra li jirriżultaw mill-użu tal-Kalkulatur, jew mid-dipendenza fuq tagħrif akkwistat minnu, u f’ebda każ ARMS Ltd. ma għandha tinżamm responsabbli, f’ebda teorija legali, għal kwalunkwe talba b’mod dirett, indirett, speċjali, inċidentali, konsegwenzjali jew għal kwalunkwe ħaġa oħra li tista’ tirriżulta mill-użu tal-Kalkulatur.
Billi jużaw il-Kalkulatur l-utenti jagħrfu u jaċċettaw din id-dikjarazzjoni ta’ ċaħda.
Would you like to learn how to be more eco-friendly and help the environment? Start saving energy here.
This disclaimer relates to the utility consumption calculator (the “Calculator”) made available by Automated Revenue Management Services Ltd (ARMS) through its website (smartutilities.com.mt) and the associated pages.
The Calculator is an online service made available by ARMS as a self-help tool for independent use and for illustrative purposes only. ARMS does not guarantee its applicability or accuracy of the calculation in any particular user’s circumstances. Use of the Calculator is made at the user’s own risk and subject to acceptance of this disclaimer.
ARMS makes no warranty or representation of any kind, whether express or implied, including without limitation any warranty concerning the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the information, material and/or the results to be obtained from using the Calculator, or fitness for any particular purpose. The calculations are not intended to be relied on and should not be deemed to be a replacement for an actual utility bill. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes.
Results may vary from the actual utility bill for a number of reasons, including some parameters (such as feed-in tariffs) being omitted from the Calculator. Users should ensure that the data (account number, type of account, number of persons, etc) inputted into the Calculator fields is the data provided to ARMS as it appears on the user’s utility bill
ARMS shall not entertain any claims relating to errors, omissions or other inaccuracies resulting from the use of the Calculator, or from the reliance on information procured therefrom, and in no event shall ARMS be liable, under any legal theory, for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or any other damages arising out of the use of the Calculator.
By using the Calculator, users acknowledge and accept this disclaimer of warranty and liability, which shall be construed as limiting ARMS’ liability to the maximum extent permitted at law. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the Calculator remains with the user.